Tuesday, September 30, 2003

The More Generous Set

This morning, the train grinds to a halt and I find myself sitting there, feeling the first stabs of anxiety.

I hate being late.

When I say I'm going to be somewhere at a specific time, I'm there at that time. I don't like making others wait for me even though I usually show up to discover I have to wait for the other person anyway. But when it comes to work, I'm pretty anal about that kind of thing.

Irritated, I call into work to let them know I'm going to be late and then discover that instead of shooting out change, the payphone eats the $1 I put in.

A part of me wanted to rip the payphone out and take back what was owed, but let's face it. I haven't got the strength for that kind of exercise.

Anyways, there were these girls calling out for donations for breast cancer research. Everybody on the platform just ignored them, like they couldn't hear them shouting, "Come on, people! Don't just stand around and ignore us. We're talking about research that could save your mothers, daughters, sisters and wives. Anything you can spare will do."

Talk about a guilt-trip. I had to scrounge around for all the money I had left. (I've been carrying around loose change and leaving the wallet at home in a bid to curtail runaway spending habits.)

You know what I noticed? Women are more willing to donate for that kind of thing. I didn't see a single man go up and deposit loose change into that box.


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