Sunday, June 06, 2004

Laziness Taken To The Extreme

Three feet of personal space.

Is that really such a hard concept to grasp?

Hey, on the surface, I might look all zen-like and cool, but all I really wanted to do was kick the guy in the balls and scream, "Get out of my face!" And why is it that the guy squished up next to you on the train, in the middle of rush hour, is the one guy who doesn't believe in using deodorant?

So, the Toronto Transit system put in elevators and wheelchair-accessible ramps in for most of the stations 'cause they were stopping the Wheel-Trans service a few years ago.

But every day, you'll see a whole group of people standing in front of the elevator --- the elevator that's for people who use wheelchairs --- to take them up to the main floor.

Okay, I get that you might be tired at the end of the day, but to me, that's just so fucking low to be using the friggin' elevator when you've got two legs that can probably get you upstairs faster than it would to wait for the elevator.

Same thing goes with the escalators, where you'll invariably come across some cow who'll just stand there, causing a long line to form behind him/her.

And why does this always happen when you're late for work? You're standing there, fuming, ready to shove the person out of your way 'cause you know showing up late isn't generally a good thing, but what can you do?

People are just so fucking lazy that it amazes me.

Every time.


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