Monday, June 07, 2004

Job Woes

Do you ever feel like the universe is just screwing with you?

Nothing seems to go right and as corny as this sounds, I'm actually relating to that annoying theme song from "Friends." And the thing is, I'm not about to go kill myself, so that doesn't leave all that many options. You've just got to deal with the total assness of your life.

What kills me is how you still hope for the best. Hope is the worst thing in the world to feel, 'cause it only sets you up for an even bigger fall.

What I don't get is how some people seem to have it all and yet their lives just keep getting better.

After graduating from university, I feel...well...let down, I guess.

It's not like I'm expecting everything to be handed to me on a silver platter, but sometimes, I just wish the universe would cut me a little slack.

The whole job thing depresses me sometimes.

It's like, I know I have all these skills and that if only someone would just give me a chance, I could show them what I good worker I am.

Instead, you find yourself talking to all sorts of lazy, stupid people who are gainfully employed and you wonder if HR people make low IQs a requirement in the whole hiring process.

I heard there's this Buddhist prayer where you actually ask for "appropriate" troubles so that you'll learn something from life. Good grief. I don't want to learn anything more.


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