Tuesday, November 08, 2005

To G - Miscellaneous Crap

Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 17:48:36 -0500 (EST)
From: anonymouswriter78@gmail.com
Subject: Miscellaneous Crap
To: G

Um, yeah. You sound like my mom with the hot flashes. Just the other day, she was flapping at herself and saying, "Are you hot? I'm hot. I'm sweating!"

And I just looked at her and said, "Um, no. That's because I'm not suffering from menopause."

The other day, we were visiting with gran and there was this huge storm happening. Anyways, lightening and thunder crash and mom's sitting by the window. The noise startles her so badly she wobbles and makes this weird noise. Gran, meanwhile, is just sitting there. She seems more lucid these past few days. She's pissed 'cause she knows what's going on. Anyways, guess what my mom thought the lightening and thunder were? A nuclear bomb going off.

Um, okay-y-y...can we say "Crazy"?

We're teaching her how to play chess and she eagerly sat down for her first game against Sister 2, rubbing her hands together and saying, "I'm going to kill you!"

Guess what? Sister 2 had a job interview as web designer...for a porn company! She didn't go for the interview of course, but it was funny when she found out what the company was.

Had to go buy a swim suit for sister 4 the other day. It was embarrassing because she and I are the same size and because she was't there, I had to try it on. Couldn't find a sales clerk and when I did, it was a guy, who felt compelled to tell me that I should keep my underwear on when trying on the swim suit.

Um, no shit. Do I look like I've never tried on a swim suit before?


Got my flu shot yesterday. Felt like I had the flu while I was sitting down to get my shot. But I'm fine today. The nurse wasn't gentle, though. She practically manhandled me with those massive paws of hers. I felt totally abused afterwards.

Wow. Didn't know you'd have such a reaction to spicy food. I think I'm just used to it 'cause, seeing as my parents were born in India and we have Indian food all the time, we're used to it. Plus, when it IS too hot, I suffer in silence. Luckily, I don't have any telltale clues of the internal struggle that I'm going through. Sister 2, on the other hand, is like you. Eyes watering like you wouldn't believe.


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