Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Underground Explosions

"It is particularly barbaric this has happened on a day when people are meeting to try to help the problems of poverty in Africa," British Prime Minister Tony Blair said from the G8 summit in response to the series of .

That, more than anything else that's been said in the media, was the most poignant thing said of all.

Someone had sent me an e-mail earlier this morning with pictures taken by Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist, Kevin Carter, who took his life shortly after winning the prize in 1994.

The e-mail, sent en-masse to a whole bunch of people, read, "The next time you feel like complaining..." and then featured the following pictures:

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If did its job right, then it should have mobilized millions of people all across the world to press for real change so that these kinds of photos wouldn't have to exist anymore.

But then you've got mentally unbalanced extremist groups pulling shit like this in London, eager to divide people, to spread hate, to inject more violence and senselessness in the world...and you have to wonder why so many people don't see the bigger picture...don't understand that if you're religious and you truly love God, taht you would be working towards helping people like those who are featured in Kevin Carter's mind-numbing pictures instead of going out and killing them.

But seriously, do you think those fantatic, can't-think-rationally-for-themselves little shits from actually give a fuck? We're talking about crazy extremists who are too intellectually-inferior to form semi-coherent thoughts or understand what it's like to be moral. Instead, they chalk every vile thing that they do in "the name of God" as if God doesn't have anything better to do than to instruct people to blow themselves up and kill innocent people.

The BBC reported that a statement was issued by Al-Qaeda, claiming responsibility for the London bombings, and of course, they start off their statement praising God.

Get this: the exact wording is, "In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate, may peace be upon the cheerful one and undaunted figter, Prophet Muhammad, God's peace be upon him."

How do you go from exalting a "cheerful, merciful and compassionate" God to sending out some clueless idiot who doesn't have the brain power to realize that, "Hey, maybe blowing myself up for nothing ISN'T such a hot idea?" to go out and kill people.

It just doesn't make any sense.

But then again, when we're talking about Al Qaeda, nothing makes sense. We're talking about people who twist religous texts to suit their purpose; who don't have the faintest inkling or understanding of what Islam actually preaches; who are too intellectually inferior to see the morally repugnanancy of their actions.

It gives us all a reason to fear for this world.


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